Present: Lynn Ferguson (LF), Lee Baines (LB), Jim Wilson (JW), Dougie Crew (DC), Jane Currie (JC), Lisa Telford (LT), Kenny Johnstone (KJ)

Apologies; Duncan Rollo

17 members of the DF&HA


Lynn Ferguson welcomed everyone and thanked those present for their continued interest and support. In order that the meeting should be conducted in a constructive and respectful manner LF informed those present that for the church hall to continue allowing the Association to use the hall for meetings attendees should maintain respect for others and their opinions by refraining from shouting or butting in. Should an attendee wish to say something, a raised hand should be used and addressed by the chair.


  1. Adress by Chair
  2. Minutes of SGM
  3. Terms of Deed of Gift
  4. Terms of Deed of Gift Denholm Dean & update on current works.
  5. Denholm Rideout
  6. Moving Forward
  7. AOB
  8. Date of next meeting


Minutes of SGM regarding Tom Sellar’s concerns that there were inaccuracies or omissions with regards to his comments documented in the minutes from the SGM. Tom let members know the specifics regarding 2nd and 3rd paragraphs. Gwen Crew acknowledged that these changes should be made and redrafted to address this issue.

Matters arising led to Will Roberts being proposed and seconded for the post of Treasurer for a one-year period.


Deed of Gift. John Biggar had written to the Chair requesting his letter to be read out and minuted. He wanted the householders of the village to be made aware of the Deed of Gift and why decisions had been made by the previous committee to follow through with legal action.


LF extended an invitation on to Tom Sellar ( Chair of Dean subcommittee). Tom explained that there have been three quotes obtained for the harvesting/clearing of the 

trees that have been deemed old, unsafe, or diseased. Nick Marshall Tree line, Malcolm Robinson Till hill. Tom suggested going for the less bullish quote which didn’t rely on the timber fetching prices that could be too optimistic for the present timber market.

Work was initially set for the middle of May and now revised for 17th June. There is however an issue with the requirement for the contractor constructing a 7m log bridge to cross the Dean Burn as SEPA need to approve this as current permissible size regulations are 5m. Tom hoped that this would not further delay the 17th of June commencement date and added that the longer it is left the more problematic the site may become with trees being blown down.

LF asked Tom if any contracts for the work had been signed yet.

Tom informed members that there had been no contract signed, just email conversations.

LF asked Tom if the harvesting of the trees would cover the cost of the operation. Tom stated that costs are close but unknown until the wood is harvested. LF asked if the three Trustees would make up the shortfall, Tom replied that he could not see that being the case and any shortfall would have to be made up by the Feuars.

LB asked Tom if there was a profit in the harvesting of the Dene would it be ring fenced for the Dene. Tom confirmed it would. Angie Scott asked Tom if the land had been registered and Tom replied that we have ownership.

Gordie Campbell asked what the site would look like after it was cleared and would the site be cleared by the contractor. Tom gave two options of the brush being either burned/ chipped or left.

Gordie Cambell asked about regeneration and what types of trees would be planted.  Tom informed that there would be 5 types of native broad leaf planted and we would need to maintain and protect them for 10 years.

LF asked Tom with regards to insurance if there was a requirement for two association members to be on the Dene.


LF proposed LT to join the Dene sub-committee.

DC suggested that to circumnavigate the wait for SEPAs decision if there was any mileage in felling the trees while waiting for SEPA.

 Chris Ryde explained that the problem with this approach would be a loss of revenue caused by a reduction in weight.


Denholm Rideout. LF informed that there had been no toilets arranged but has now booked 7 toilets and one disabled toilet. Skip has been booked and pubs to be contacted regarding lunches for the principals and donation of gifts. Gordie Campbell to be MC for the day and Shirley Passmore to present gifts. Volunteers asked for parking cars.

Chris Ryde posed the question of why we bother with the Rideout and should not Hawick take more responsibility for it. Carswell Imrie informed those present that it is the choice of the Cornet to come to Denholm and can if he wishes could go elsewhere. JW stated the financial benefit to the pubs and shops that can be an absolute saviour to their takings for the year and it is a Rideout that the ladies can and do take part in. Gordie Campbell stated that Denholm residents should not have to pay to be on the green and this was agreed and confirmed by LF. After a brief discussion on pricing, it was agreed that visitors to the green would pay £10 per car, £15 per gazebo and £50 per vendor. Chris Ryde warned that ice cream sellers have in previous years just turned up unannounced on the green. Gwen Crew also noted that two named charities have also turned up with their charity tins without any prior notice.

Shirley Passmore asked about black bags and LF informed that she will request SBC to provide black bin bags.


Moving on. LF emphasized the need for the association to modernize and as such a new constitution is being drafted. Francis Stuart gave an update on the new draft after meeting Vicky Oswald that the draft is nearing completion and that Fiona Benton an expert on scrutinizing changes to the constitution, has been enlisted.

 Changes to the constitution to be publicized to the village and taking the form of Development Trust Organization format to aid governance in line with SCIO.


LF asked Gwen Crew if by way of helping address the current financial position if there was

a date for a car boot sale on the green. Saturday 22nd June may be a possibility. Gwen to check and get back LF.

EV charging point ongoing problems with Scottish power with regards to proof of ownership of land for proposed charging point. Gordie Campbell still engaging with Scottish Power.

Maintenance of Trees on green. LF to confirm who is responsible for the trees on the green i.e the council or the village.

Plot 1 ( shed) maintenance to be done. LT to action.

DC suggested that the Kist of the village should be returned from its current resting place. LF to action.

Youth Club, Gordie Campbell explained that they have 8k funding which will suffice for this year, but thought must be given for funding for year 2.

The ongoing legal case against Two Hoots has incurred serious costs which have previously been met by donations. There is currently an outstanding invoice, which when paid will leave very little working capital in the bank. LF and LB have met and engaged in written requests to Charles Rickett to cease the legal action as there are no funds available to pursue this. Charles Rickett has now declined to represent the Feuars and a new solicitor will be sought.

LF thanked everyone for attending.

Date of next meeting Wednesday 12th June at 7.00pm Denholm village Hall- Lesser Hall.

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